Wednesday, 7 December 2016

Music Performance

Yesterday we had a music performance in the hall. I felt nervous but excited. My favourite part was the boom wackers! I don't want to do another performance again.

Monday, 5 December 2016

visiting willard home

Last Thursday our class visited Willard Home. I loved listening to Rebecca play the Violin. She played Jingle Bells.

When we visited Willard Home we read stories, sang Christmas songs and gave them our art work.

Everyone loved the violin. We had fun singing Christmas carols.

Rebecca playing the violin:

Wednesday, 30 November 2016

Last term New World gave us a bunch of their Little Garden plants in pots.

First we made them up by watering the seeds in the dirt.
We kept them inside for a little while, then we moved them outside.

We kept an eye on them and when they got too big for the pots we planted them in the garden.  We have to water them every second day.


Tuesday, 29 November 2016

Art in 2016

This year we created lots of art. My favourite was my self portrait painting because it looks just like me. Art makes me feel happy because it is fun to do art.

Monday, 28 November 2016

Chapter Chat

This year we did chapter chat. Chapter Chat is when you go on to twitter and we tweet together about the book we are reading. This year the books we have read were The Person Controller, Because of Winn Dixie, Charlotte's Web and The Magic Faraway Tree.  I loved all of them. But if I had to pick one favourite book it would be The Person Controller because it was funny. I liked making the trophy with Josh (pictured here). I liked doing chapter chat, I will miss doing it next year because I will be in year 5, and chapter chat is for years 3 and 4.

Tuesday, 22 November 2016

STEPS to Literacy

To help me with my reading and writing, I am doing STEPS to Literacy. These videos shoe me in action. I am improving each day. My goal is to get gold for each activity.

Friday, 16 September 2016

Wednesday, 14 September 2016

WALT Be Creative

This term we have learnt about photograph and photo essays.

We have learnt about the rule of thirds - which is a grid, angle, line and colour.


During Seed2Table we learnt about the parts of plants.

  1. Roots
  2. Stems
  3. Leaves
  4. Flowers
  5. Fruit
  6. Seeds
We have made lots of yummy food. My favourite food was the pasta & meatballs.

Lukas Grows Down

This term we made a hilarious movie called Lukas Grows Down. It is funny because time goes backwards. People talk all squiggly and do things backwards.

My part in the movie was being Lukas as a 7 year old.

We have entered this into the Digi Awards Competition.

Sunday, 21 August 2016

Whats the point in doing Discovery?

Today I made paper aeroplanes and looked at the Faraway Tree.  I also made some pompoms.

Blue Hat:
Whats the point in doing Discovery?
Its fun for children to play and make their own things.  We work on showing Panekiretanga - showing excellence in everything we do.

Red Hat:
I feel excited and happy because we got extra time today.

This scorpion was made by Billy and Elliot. They put effort in and worked together to show Panekiretanga.

Thursday, 18 August 2016

Eat Right & Be Bright


Today we went to watch a magic show called "Eat Right & Be Bright". Vas Kovalski was the Magician.

He taught us about the importance of eating healthy. Everyday we need to eat:
  • Fruit 
  • Vegetables
  • Grains
  • Protein
  • Dairy
If we eat well we will get all of the vitamins and minerals we need to be strong and healthy.

Wednesday, 17 August 2016

Russell Street Buddy Olympic Day

Today was Olympics Buddy Day.  We spread out into two groups with our little buddies too.  Each group was a country.  Our country was the Netherlands and the rest of our class was Spain.  Lots of people dressed in their countries colours but we didn't today.  We were feeling excited.

First we had an opening ceremony where all the countries came together to go off to their first activity before rotating around to the other activities.  The activities we participated in were high jump, hockey, boat racing (Rowing), rhythmic dancing (ribbons), egg and spoon racing, hurdles, shot put, archery, horse riding, fencing,  soccer, ultimate paper, scissors, rock, hand ball and rugby.

Our first activity was the rowing.  We had to blow the boat to the other end of the water tray with a straw.  This was tricky but highly enjoyable.  We were proud of ourselves for giving it a try.

Our favourite activity was the horse riding.  It was sad when Cullen fell over and my buddy face planted because they got hurt.   They did think it was funny though. We really liked the races and it was a lot of fun.

Today was Olympics Buddy Day.  We spread out into two groups with our little buddies too.  Each group was a country.  Our country was the Netherlands and the rest of our class was Spain.  Lots of people dressed in their countries colours but we didn't today.  We were feeling excited.

First we had an opening ceremony where all the countries came together to go off to their first activity before rotating around to the other activities.  The activities we participated in were high jump, hockey, boat racing (Rowing), rhythmic dancing (ribbons), egg and spoon racing, hurdles, shot put, archery, horse riding, fencing,  soccer, ultimate paper, scissors, rock, hand ball and rugby.

Our first activity was the rowing.  We had to blow the boat to the other end of the water tray with a straw.  This was tricky but highly enjoyable.  We were proud of ourselves for giving it a try.

Our favourite activity was the horse riding.  It was sad when Cullen fell over and my buddy face planted because they got hurt.   They did think it was funny though. We really liked the races and it was a lot of fun.

We feel happy because it was a long great day and the activities were well planned.
We feel happy because it was a long great day and the activities were well planned.

Monday, 15 August 2016

Maths Day

Today for maths we did lots of activities comparing volume and mass.

My favourite activity was the tinfoil boats.  We had to make a boat out of one sheet of tin foil. I had a turn and then I helped Riley. His boat could hold up to 650g!

Blake's boat could hold 950g! The boats with a large flat surface could hold more than boats with a smaller surface area.

Sunday, 7 August 2016

Week 3 Panekiretanga

This week we were focusing on having positive thoughts. Our thoughts become our words. Our words become our actions.

Today I showed panekiretanga when I said sorry to Joy for talking when she was talking. I also opened the door for Brenda. I saw Max get upset because other kids weren't sharing and listening to his ideas. At lunchtime, I will show excellence by helping people when they are hurt.

This is a picture of the sketching group. I enjoy sketching with my friend Josh.

Monday, 25 July 2016

My Holiday

In the holidays I went Pokemon hunting. I think we went around Massey. Mum, Aunty, Rebekka, Daniel and I went in the car. We found some new ones. Aunty was driving and Mum was on her phone playing Pokemon Go. When I was holidaying my Aunty's phone in Pak n' Save. It kept vibrating so I tried to catch the Pokemon. There was a Pokemon in the supermarket. There were quite a few actually. I think I caught 3!

Tuesday, 28 June 2016

Shadow Learning

At the start of the term this is what I thought about shadows:

Now I have learnt more about shadows this is what I know:

Maths 3D Shapes

In maths we have been learning how to draw shapes from different points of view.

Tuesday, 21 June 2016

Chapter Chat
Every Friday we join Chapter Chat to tweet about the book we are reading.

I like Chapter Chat because I can share my work with children all over New Zealand. At the moment I am making a kennel with Josh, Cruze, Amelie & Libby. On Friday we can share it with Chapter Chat.

This video will tell you more about it:

Inline images 1

Thursday, 16 June 2016

Maths Roadshow

On Thursday 16 June the maths roadshow came to our school. We had to work together to solve lots of maths activities. My favourite was measuring the path.

Wednesday, 8 June 2016

The legend of the moon - Written by Joseph

9000 years ago there was no moon. There were 7 sisters that never got on. The sisters were given a diamond necklace BUT they wouldn't share. Libby wanted to wear it to the ball. Her sisters ripped off her necklace roughly. The beads went up into space and turned into stars. The 7 sisters were so angry. Cam the God of Kindness said, "If you can't share, nobody can have it!" He tossed the diamond into the sky and it became the moon.

I am so proud of my writing because I spent a lot of time doing this.

Dance NZ Made

I have joined Dance NZ Made. We have to learn a dance so we can perform on stage at the Regent. I also do Kapa Haka which is performing on stage too!

Dancing makes me feel good.

Tuesday, 7 June 2016

Sport Start

This term our class has been using Sports Start. We are getting better at these skills:
  • running
  • catching
  • passing
  • throwing
  • jumping
  • fast reactions
  • batting
Our class has been playing Diamond Ball which is like Baseball/Softball.
I have improved with passing and catching AND running!
I really enjoyed playing Diamond Ball and Force Back
I need to keep working on keeping my eyes on the ball when I am catching or batting.

planet facts

Our class worked together to create this slide show.

Monday, 6 June 2016

Cross Country

Today is cross country. I am feeling good.

My goal is to give it a go .

Wednesday, 25 May 2016

Yummy feijoas

I love those Yummy feijoas even though they were sour.  We have them at school.  They were juicy.

Thursday, 19 May 2016

Spider Cake

Yesterday Max's Mum made a spider cake it was yummy. We liked it
what made you do it.
fom joseph

Monday, 16 May 2016

Planet Earth & Beyond - Pre Assessment

This term we are studying ‘Planet Earth and Beyond’. Part of this Inquiry includes looking at how we get shadows, as well as day and night. Over the term we will be doing different investigations to better our understanding. Below is a sample of my current thinking.

I am unsure about how the shadows move.
I am looking forward to learning more about shadows.
Questions I have are:

  • why do shadows move at different times?
  • how do we get day and night?

Monday, 9 May 2016


to day we learn to do shadows   I like it I buddy up with libby .

Term 2

This term the value we are focusing on is Responsibility(Kawenga). I will take responsibility for my learning and deliberately enter the 'learning pit'.
The Learning Pit from Kenilworth Learning on Vimeo.

I will use my initiative, as well as, take responsibility for myself and my belongings. I don't want to get 'stuck on the escalator'!

So far this term I have enjoyed doing lots of things.

We made flax poppies for ANZAC day. I found it quite tricky but Brenda helped me. I took two home - one for mum and one for Aunty Lisa.

At the moment we are training for cross country. I need to walk some of the way. I am looking forward to cross country in week 4.

Last week Cruze and I made a barn to match the description of Chapter Chat. We are learning how to Tweet. On Fridays we use Twitter to chat about Charlotte's Web to other children around New Zealand.

Tuesday, 5 April 2016

My Learning Goals

Today we looked through our reports from last year. We identified a next step (goal) for reading, writing and maths. Here are my goals:

Maths: His next step is to recall groupings with 10 e.g. 10 and 3 is 13.
To achieve this goal I will: I need to practise at home.

Reading: His main goal has been to chunk to the vowel when he comes to a word he is unsure of, e.g. sh-op, ch-at.
To achieve this goal I will: read everyday at home & at school.

Writing: His step is to write more detail in his stories.
To achieve this goal I will: Have a go at this when I am writing.

We also looked at our STAR results.
  • Word recognition I got 2 out of 10.
  • Sentence comprehension I got 2 out of 10.
  • Paragraph comprehension I got 1 out of 15.
  • Vocabulary I got 4 out of 10.

I am going to focus on: All Areas

To improve in this area I will: use the links on our class blog.

Saturday, 26 March 2016


In music with Jenny we are learning to play in a band. We are all learning different instruments and we are working on our rhythm. Check out our videos:

Active Listening

We are learning about different types of listening. There are 3 main types of listening that we learnt about. Busy Listening - When the person listening is busy doing something. They are too busy to concentrate on what is being said. Me Too Listening - When the person listening has a story that they feel is more important than the person talking so they interrupt and share their story instead of listening. Active Listening - When the person listening looks at the person talking, concentrates, gives non-verbal feedback (e.g. nodding) and asks questions about the story. To learn about the different types of listening, we watched this video:


 As a class we created our own video to help us understand the different types.
After practising each type of listening, we realised…

  • Busy listening makes us feel like you’re not listening to us. We found it really hard to keep talking. 
  • Me too listening makes us feel frustrated and sad that you think your story is more important. 
  • Active listening makes us feel valued. We know you are listening because you are looking, nodding, asking questions. 

 As a class we are all trying to get better at being active listeners.

Wednesday, 23 March 2016

My Maths Learning

We are learning to use animal strips to help us with our times tables. Using the animals helps me to add.

My family tree - Toku whakapapa

This term we have been learning how to introduce our family in Te Reo Maori. I am getting better at this.

Tuesday, 22 March 2016

My Swimming Reflection

I am under the water!
I am so proud because I put my head in the water.

Thursday, 25 February 2016

Van Gogh Styled Art

We are learning to paint like Van Gogh. We have read lots of books and watched some tutorials. We've experimented with painting our portraits and now we have had a go at painting sunflowers.
Our paintings needs to have
  • short brush strokes
  • bright colours
  • positive & negative images (Main object with a complementing background)